Thursday, February 26, 2015

Works Cited Page

Country Research Websites

The following are the acceptable research websites for you to use, either at school or home. You must use at least one website along with the Encyclopedia. Don't forget to cite your source(s) in your notebook for your bibliography.

Other websites

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Research Checklist - Country Project

Collecting Research
In your notebook, you’re going to dedicate a section to research. You are going to research a number of different categories. Each category should have two pages for you to collect facts. 

·        Introduction
o   Name of the country
o   Capital of the country
o   Major language(s) spoken
o   Location (what continent it’s on/bordering nations and bodies of water)
·        History
o   Date the country came into existence
o   Famous people/rulers/kings/presidents/etc. from the country’s history
o   Major events in the country’s history in order
o   How the country became a country
·        Geography
o   Major landforms
o   Major landmarks
o   Major bodies of water
o   Major cities
o   General climate (warm/cold? Rainy/not?)
·        Economy
o   Natural resources
o   Manufacturing areas
o   Land use (i.e., farming areas)
o   Major occupations (jobs)
o   Currency (type of money they use)
·        Conclusion
o   Nice wrap-up of your research
o   Explain how the geography has influenced the economy

Country Research Project

Your job is to research a country from the Western Hemisphere (you may not choose the United States)
You will be exploring many different aspects of your country, including, the HISTORY, the GEOGRAPHY, the CULTURE, the ECONOMY, and also creating a visual.
After researching your country you will write a 3-5 page report. 

1.  Choose a country.
2.  Begin your research.
3.  Use the research checklist to guide you in your project.
4.  After completing your research you will write a research paper.
Your paper should be:
  • 3-5 pages long.
  • Typed (12-point font) OR written in blue/black ink
  • Double Spaced
5.  You also need to include a picture of your country's flag.
6.  You need a picture of one major landform in your country.
7.  You need to include a map of your country.

Revolutions in the Western Hemisphere: Crash Course

Here's a great website with short videos to "crash course" your Western Hemisphere know-how.

State Review Games

Here are some delightful games to help you practice your states and other geography! 




New York State Research - 5th Grade

All of your New York research should come from valid websites. Valid websites are websites which end in .gov, .edu, or come from a credible source such as a college or university. Wikipedia is not a credible source, nor are search engines like Google. If you are concerned about the validity of your source(s), consult a teacher or an adult at home. 

Pre-Approved Sites for Research
Simply click on the link and it will take you to the source! Make sure you cite your sources that you use. 

1. Encyclopedia Brittanica Online

2.  New York State for Kids (government-sponsored)

3. New York Economic Activity map (resource map)
If link isn't working for NYS Economic Map, click here: New York State Alternate Economic Map

4. Physical map of New York (for comparison)