Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New York State Research - 5th Grade

All of your New York research should come from valid websites. Valid websites are websites which end in .gov, .edu, or come from a credible source such as a college or university. Wikipedia is not a credible source, nor are search engines like Google. If you are concerned about the validity of your source(s), consult a teacher or an adult at home. 

Pre-Approved Sites for Research
Simply click on the link and it will take you to the source! Make sure you cite your sources that you use. 

1. Encyclopedia Brittanica Online

2.  New York State for Kids (government-sponsored)

3. New York Economic Activity map (resource map)
If link isn't working for NYS Economic Map, click here: New York State Alternate Economic Map

4. Physical map of New York (for comparison) 

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