Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Research Checklist - Country Project

Collecting Research
In your notebook, you’re going to dedicate a section to research. You are going to research a number of different categories. Each category should have two pages for you to collect facts. 

·        Introduction
o   Name of the country
o   Capital of the country
o   Major language(s) spoken
o   Location (what continent it’s on/bordering nations and bodies of water)
·        History
o   Date the country came into existence
o   Famous people/rulers/kings/presidents/etc. from the country’s history
o   Major events in the country’s history in order
o   How the country became a country
·        Geography
o   Major landforms
o   Major landmarks
o   Major bodies of water
o   Major cities
o   General climate (warm/cold? Rainy/not?)
·        Economy
o   Natural resources
o   Manufacturing areas
o   Land use (i.e., farming areas)
o   Major occupations (jobs)
o   Currency (type of money they use)
·        Conclusion
o   Nice wrap-up of your research
o   Explain how the geography has influenced the economy

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