Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Country Research Project

Your job is to research a country from the Western Hemisphere (you may not choose the United States)
You will be exploring many different aspects of your country, including, the HISTORY, the GEOGRAPHY, the CULTURE, the ECONOMY, and also creating a visual.
After researching your country you will write a 3-5 page report. 

1.  Choose a country.
2.  Begin your research.
3.  Use the research checklist to guide you in your project.
4.  After completing your research you will write a research paper.
Your paper should be:
  • 3-5 pages long.
  • Typed (12-point font) OR written in blue/black ink
  • Double Spaced
5.  You also need to include a picture of your country's flag.
6.  You need a picture of one major landform in your country.
7.  You need to include a map of your country.

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